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Malika, Yousun, Karry
Prezi Project Summary
For my project summary we talked about eating disorder. We mainly talked about two specific type of eating disorders, Bulimia and Anorexia. We talked about the symptoms and the effects on the person who is suffering from this eating disorder. The next part we talked about some treatments and prevention programs for these two eating disorder. Lastly, the project showed a video that was a true story about a girl who suffered from eating disorders. She explains how hard it was to overcome it, and how she felt during the time she had the eating disorder. The women also explains how she felt after she overcame this eating disorder and how she felt afterwards.
-You Sun Lee
For our project, our group researched about cosmetic surgery. We thought this was an interesting topic and an important topic to know about because it is influencing many people around the world. The presentation included the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery. People does cosmetic surgery to fit in with beauty ideals and take the risk of failing to change the way they look. The topic related with the story "size 6" in many ways and we included quotes from the story to show how it relates with the topic. We learned many new information and enjoyed researching about this topic.
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